Sunday, June 24, 2007

a conversation with God. part 2

while talking with nick, we both shared that we didn't know what exactly God was doing in our lives.
Me: i was going to be an intern for a landscape architecture firm and work full time, learn a computer program and get paid 12 buck an hour starting.

but God said no, being worried about what i wanted and taking control of the situation wasn't and still isn't the greatest idea.

GOD: Jon, the work i'm going to do through you with this job is greater than the work of all your landscape architecture designs put together throughout your whole life time.

what a blessing it is to know how good God is. and that God is absolutely AMAZING


Caroline G said...

im so glad you told me to read this. This is amazing. God does many wonders in our lives if we just give Him our all. Im so happy for you as I continually see and hear about how God is blessing your life.

Josh said...

My reaction is best summed by a quote from Zoolander, "Cool story Hansel." Seriously, it is amazing to hear how God is working in you and using you. I know that I need God to chisel me and mold me. It sucks, but it is good too. Haha.

Eric Wakeling said...

This was really cool to read and I'm stoked you have a blog!!

Caroline G said...

josh's quote is hilarious....but even more hilarious of what it means hahaha